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Do you understand the meaning of simple words “YOU AND I”?

YOU AND I turn out to be a lever that breaks the boundaries among people, to be the first step to bring strangers closer together. Let yourself be vulnerable. Let yourself keep moving forward.

Have you ever been afraid of speaking out loud about your opinions, interests, or even the feeling of loving someone you admire because of the fear of being rejected? In this hustle and bustle world and increasingly advanced technologies today, we feel insecure to share our struggles and shames with one another. Sometimes we rip out so much of ourselves and then try to give others a calm smile.

_Is there anyone here for me? Where are you? Where am I?_

YOU and I are two familiar words that we use every day to communicate. Have you ever dived deep into the meaning of those words to comprehend what do they really mean? Have you ever stop for some moments to think about I myself and YOU yourself, why we were born in this body?

Although YOU might be far a thousand miles from me, I will find one of YOUs who listen to me — via the Internet. We will come to realize how incredibly rich the meanings of “YOU AND I” is!

JUST YOU AND I — We are human beings

The rich or the poor; white or blue-collar workers; old or young folks; males or females — DO THEY MATTER?

Film photo taken by writer

I have presumed to contact strangers who show the same particular interest to me from all walks of life. Regardless of knowing who we are, how old we are, or where we come from, we have talked the hind legs off a donkey. And having a whale of a time with each other makes us be who we truly are and daydream about things that really do matter to us at the moment. So, is there anything more important than JUST YOU AND I?

Talking with strangers means you are taking the big leap of faith to share your stories and welcome new friends into your life with no judgment and prejudices. I am getting into my way to become mature through experiencing, listening, and also learning from their personal experiences. There are many ordinary people having their ordinary life in which their certain stories may be a precious contribution to others. And THE INTERNET helps us become JUST YOU AND I.

There is a person who was a drug addict living in a shame, in the shadow of fear for a long time. This is a MOM of three — a humorous vlogger — an inspirer rising from the twilight of hope. Instead of being afraid of telling the truth about who she was, she embarked on sharing hilariously astonishing moments of her addiction recovery on her social media. This has drowned out the black hole in other addicts and also helped them be strong on the way to recovery.

There is a person who is taking charge of the hardest job in the world — “the Mother of the family”. This is a stay-at-home DAD working as a mom, a cook, a babysitter, and other maternal positions in his family. He and his wife tried their best to counter long-lasting sexual stereotypes which might deliver assumptions and constraints preventing their little daughter from enjoying immensely her interests and passions. He shares his stories proudly on his blog.

They can be everyone in this world, and they can exert inspirational impacts on thousands of other people — JUST BE YOU AND I, with no religions, genders, generations…

Like some people I mentioned above, you might be a force to be reckoned with and YOU MATTER BY YOUR OWN WAY. Let’s share!

YOU AND I turn out to be a lever that breaks the boundaries among people, to be the first step to bring strangers closer together. Let yourself be vulnerable. Let yourself keep moving forward. And let’s share!

JUST YOU AND I — The present self and the future self

Have you ever imagined who you will be?

Have you ever asked yourself who you want to become?

Film photo taken by writer

I am 100% sure that you have thought about this once in a while throughout our journey of being mature. So what?

According to a study of UCLA social psychologists about the emotional disconnect between our present and future selves, we in the future are nothing more than strangers walking through our mind. Our future self and present self are likely to be JUST YOU AND I.

If I don’t start searching into myself today, how could I embrace Who I am?

If I don’t look back what I have done and ignore what have happened, how could I know how meaningful my life is and how hard I tried to move on?

If I don’t take action today, how could I know YOU — my future?

Don’t take our time for granted. Today, I still keep thinking about the present me and the new me. I am a daydreamer. And then one day, I WILL FIND YOU.

And now, have you grasped how profound “YOU AND I” is?

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